Taking corporate animation to new heights

By January 17, 2015Uncategorized

One of my favorite more recent corporate animation videos is the Virgin Atlantic Safety Video released a couple of years ago (and probably updated by now).



Gone are the smiling cabin crew members telling you how to take proper safety precautions in event of an emergency, or even the reassuring voice of the captain, and instead, one gets a highly entertaining and also informative animated video.

Not all corporate messages work well with video, one needs to consider the message and how it will be delivered carefully, but animation is increasingly becoming a preferred way to communicate messages by businesses.

Also, many businesses are now jumping on the bandwagon of wanting the same, seeing innovators such as Virgin Atlantic taking the lead. The down side to this though can be the expectation to expect a powerful, well scripted and well executed animated video to be produced on the cheap, and to expect the same results.

Although there’s often room to save money, and increasingly powerful computers are constantly bringing the cost of animation down, as well as an increasinly global marketplace that allows businesses to access animators from all corners of the earth, the adage that you get what you pay for still essentially applies. If you want the highest quality, then be prepared to pay a fair sum for achieving it.

You can read more about this video and how it was made by going to http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelvideo/10657568/Virgin-Atlantics-new-animated-in-flight-safety-video.html


Alex Shaida

Author Alex Shaida

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